What is AVWF?


With Ulrich Conrady's AVWF method, sound waves in a piece of music are modified in such a way that they stimulate the autonomous nervous system and bring it back into balance. Children, adolescents and adults who listen to this music through closed headphones can improve their learning and receptiveness, their motor skills as well as their mental and physical performance.

By stimulating the autonomous nervous system - especially the vagus nerve - the inner balance between the symphaticus and parasymphaticus is restored. Only this way a healthy alternation of waking and sleeping, of tension and relaxation, of work and recreation is possible in the human organism. Our nervous system reacts to stress with a certain sequence of reactions. Normally we mainly use our rational and social abilities as coping strategies during stress. In cases of permanent stress and overload we are no longer able to respond to stress according to our abilities to react. As a result, motivation and social skills decline. In the worst case, this can lead to resignation and depression - accompanied by physical symptoms such as back pain, headaches and sleep disorders. Biologically, in this stage of "overstimulation", the sensitive interaction of sympathicus and parasympathicus in the autonomous nervous system is disturbed.