
AD(H)D, Dyscalculia, Dyslexia

And other Learning Difficulties, Problems in Development, Autism

The AVWF Method has been shown to improve the learning and receptivity abilities, motor skills, mental and physical performance of children and young people. In the process, biogenetic patterns already present in the subconscious are stimulated anew. The autonomic nervous system and thus also the learning ability are positively influenced and the processing of stimuli is improved.

AVWF is an innovative method for regaining inner balance and improving mental and physical performance. It is ment for children with a highly stressful environment, children with double burdens, such as learning problems and children in crisis situations.



For dyslexia / dyscalculia

The term "low-level functions" refers to basic auditory functions which, according to Prof. Ptok, must be present in order to learn the hierarchical structure of language acquisition.

According to a study by the Ministry of Culture of Thuringia, underdeveloped low-level functions are particularly evident in children with reading and spelling difficulties (LRS) as well as in children with dyslexia.

Since underdeveloped low-level functions are also found in children with developmental, behavioural, autistic traits, language development disorders and motor deficits, this suggests that low-level functions can be seen as an indicator of the structure of the autonomic and central nervous system.

The AVWF method is capable of rebalancing the autonomic nervous system by means of sound modulation.  

- The brain is getting "faster"

- More successful learning behaviour

- Coarse and fine motor skills improve.

- Oral motor activity and body coordination are positively influenced.

- Speed of information processing in the brain is significantly increased.

- A prosocial development is initiated (team spirit).

An increase in performance is achieved by smart vagus activation (deep sleep, recovery, cross-coordinated movement patterns and stress regulation by balancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system).


  • Testing of basic visual skills and visual perception

  • Low level measurements:

    Visual order threshold, auditory order threshold, directional hearing, pitch discrimination, tone pattern recognition, tone length-identification

  • Measurements of the proprioceptive system, body awareness, the cross-coordination, the automation of the direction of rotation as well as motor skills and cognitive state in a playful way.

Subsequently, the results are discussed with the parents and, in case of significant deficits, an audio-visual perception support AVWF is planned together.

A treatment is always preceded by a detailed and free initial consultation.

If the parents decide to use the AVWF method, the following procedure applies:

The first 10 basic sessions should be completed within one to three weeks without a major break (maximum two days). The sound-modulated music has a lasting effect for more than half a year. During this half year the children/young people will continue to be looked after by us. There are regular checks and, if necessary, refreshments. Gradually not only the physical well-being is increased, but also the learning ability and attention of the child.


Get in contact for a free initial consultation

The AVWF Method is not only used for regeneration, but also to improve performance in sports and to promote concentration in the case of learning and developmental difficulties of children and young people. We also offer projects for larger groups. The AVWF Method forms the basis and is continued in neurocoaching